Artsen voor Kinderen


Pagina: 10/14

Behavioral and Emotional Problems in Children With Sickle Cell Disease and Healthy Siblings: Multiple Informants, Multiple MeasuresC.T. Hijmans, M.A. Grootenhuis, J. Oosterlaan, B.F. Last, H. Heijboer, M. Peters and K. FijnvandraatDrs. Channa Hijmans2009
Paediatric illness! Family mattersGrootenhuis MA & Bronner MBDr. Madelon Bronner2009
An explorative study on quality of life and psychological and cognitive function in pediatric survivors of septic shockBronner MB, Knoester H, Sol JJ, Bos AP, Heymans HS, Grootenhuis MADr. Madelon Bronner2009
Course of behaviour problems of children with cerebral palsy: the role of parental stress and supportR. F. Sipal, C. Schuengel, J. M. Voorman, M. Van Eck and J. G. Becherprof Carlo Schuengel2009
Cognitive performance and behavioural functioning at school age of moderate preterm children born at 32-36 weeks gestational ageVan Baar, A.L., Vermaas, J., Knots, E., De Kleine, M.J. & Soons, P.Prof dr Anneloes van Baar2009
Prenatal maternal emotional complaints and cortisol responses in toddlers and preschoolersBruijn, T.C.E , de, van Bakel, H.J.A., & Van Baar, A.LProf dr Anneloes van Baar2009
Quality of life questionnaires for children with cancer and childhood cancer survivors: a review of the development of available measures.Klassen AF, Strohm SJ, Maurice-Stam H, Grootenhuis MA.Prof dr Martha Grootenhuis2009
Remarkable differences: the course of life of young adults with galactosaemia and PKUBosch AM, Maurice-Stam H, Wijburg FA, Grootenhuis MA.Prof dr Martha Grootenhuis2009
Health related quality of life of Dutch children: psychometricEngelen, Haentjens, Detmar, Koopman & GrootenhuisDrs Vivian Engelen2009
Children’s PTSD Inventory: Een gestructureerd interview voor de diagnose PTSS bij kinderen en adolescentenAlisic, E.dr. Eva Alisic2009
Signalering kindermishandeling in het Flevoziekenhuis te AlmereG.J. de Boer-Zoet, M. Trijbels-Smeuldersdrs Gerda de Boer-Zoet2009
Meta-Analysis of Neurobehavioral Outcomes in Very Preterm and/or Very Low Birthweight ChildrenAarnoudse-Moens, CSH et al.dr Cornelieke Aarnoudse-Moens2009