Pagina: 10/14
Titel | Auteur(s) | Toegevoegd | Jaar |
Health related quality of life in Dutch young adults: psychometric properties of the PedsQL generic core scales young adult version | Perrine F Limperg, Lotte Haverman, Hedy A van Oers, Marion AJ van Rossum, Heleen Maurice-Stam and Martha A Grootenhuis | PhD Perrine Limperg | 2014 |
Anxiety and Depression in Mothers and Fathers of a Chronically Ill Child | H. A. van Oers, L. Haverman, P. F. Limperg, E. M. van Dijk-Lokkart, H. Maurice-Stam, M. A. Grootenhuis | PhD Perrine Limperg | 2014 |
Implementation of Electronic Patient Reported Outcomes in Pediatric Daily Clinical Practice: The KLIK Experience | Lotte Haverman, Hedy A. van Oers, Perrine F. Limperg, Channa T. Hijmans, Sasja A. Schepers, Simone M. Sint Nicolaas, Chris M. Verhaak, Antonia H. M. Bouts, Karin Fijnvandraat, Marjolein Peters, Marion A. van Rossum, Johannes B. van Goudoever, Heleen Maurice-Stam, Martha A. Grootenhuis | PhD Perrine Limperg | 2014 |
Psychometric properties and Dutch norm data of the PedsQL multidimensional fatigue scale for young adults | Lotte Haverman, Perrine F. Limperg, Hedy A. van Oers, Marion A. J. van Rossum, Heleen Maurice-Stam, Martha A. Grootenhuis | PhD Perrine Limperg | 2014 |
Is er een invloed van het DRD4-gen op het neuropsychologisch functioneren van patiƫnten met ADHD? | Onnink en van de Loo | Msc Kim van de Loo | 2011 |
The course of life of survivors of childhood cancer | Stam H, Grootenhuis MA, Last BF | dr Heleen Maurice-Stam | 2006 |
Opgroeien met een chronische aandoening: levensloop en gevolgen in de jongvolwassenheid | Maurice-Stam H, Hartman EE, Deurloo JA, Groothoff JW, Grootenhuis MA. | dr Heleen Maurice-Stam | 2006 |
A predictive model of Health-related Quality of Life in young adult survivors of childhood cancer | Maurice-Stam H, Oort FJ, Grootenhuis MA, Last BF | dr Heleen Maurice-Stam | 2009 |
Emotional functioning of parents of children with cancer: the first five years of continuous remission after the end of treatment | Maurice-Stam H, Oort FJ, Last BF, Grootenhuis MA | dr Heleen Maurice-Stam | 2008 |
Longitudinal assessment of HRQoL in preschool children with non-CNS cancer after the end of successful treatment | Maurice-Stam H, Oort FJ, Last BF, Brons PPT, Caron HN, Grootenhuis MA | dr Heleen Maurice-Stam | 2008 |
School-aged children after the end of successful treatment of non-CNS cancer: Longitudinal assessment of Health-Related Quality of Life, anxiety and coping | Maurice-Stam H, Oort FJ, Last BF, Brons PPT, Caron HN, Grootenhuis MA | dr Heleen Maurice-Stam | 2009 |
Surviving Childhood Cancer. Quality of life, course of life and coping. | Heleen Maurice-Stam | dr Heleen Maurice-Stam | 2007 |